Photography That Pays - Tips on Starting an Online Photography Business
Photography that pays for your lifestyle. It is the dream that grows the moment you pick up your first camera, take a beautiful picture, and have someone gush over it and tell you that "you should go into photography". Who wouldn't love to work their own hours, get paid to go on a luxury vacation, and have a passive online income source?
Starting an online photography business can be somewhat daunting as you look at the work of your competitors and think to yourself that your own photos are not the same quality level as theirs. The beauty of the ONLINE photography business world, however, is that you can earn money even as a beginner photographer with no credentials behind your name, and a very small portfolio.
What I'm referring to here is submitting your photos to stock photography sites. Your business grows with the number of submissions you make, the number of sites you submit photos to, and the effort you expend learning how to market your photos.
The beauty of a stock photography business is that your first submitted photo will have the same chance of being seen and downloaded by multiple clients as the 1,000th photo submitted by a professional or successful photographer! Photography that pays you little by little but adds up to lovely sums!
Here are some basic tips on starting an online photography business.
Tip #1.
Do not just start submitting your personal favorite photos at random to as many stock photography websites as you have time to access. Be selective, do some research, and find out in which sites your particular photos will be most marketable.
Tip #2.
Learn the "rules" that successful photographers follow to maximize their profits and really get photography that pays. Learn to MARKET, learn to use KEYWORDS to your advantage. Learn what your COMPETITORS are doing well.
Tip #3.
Take the time when starting an online photography business to learn the secrets of the business. A source for photography that pays you well is not always easy to find! BUT, there are gems in unlikely places that will make starting an online photography business much easier!
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